Doing visual inspection right: More than a dozen Kawasaki robots hit the production floor at this wheel manufacturer's site

Kawasaki Robots Present Wheel Rims for Visual Inspection

By Sandia Harrison, Director of Marketing, FPE Automation

Is your business leveraging automation to the fullest? At Automation International, the answer is yes. 

Danville, Illinois-based Automation International is using Kawasaki RS050 robots, together with PHD GRR grippers to present their products for visual inspection. The solution is considered by all parties to exemplify how automation can be used to manufacture smarter.

I spoke to Tim Foley, Senior Engineer at Automation International. He explained that the material handling process was set up so that the wheel rim orientation could be detected. Once it is verified, the part continues on to further process. Tim told me it is "one small piece of a big automated line that we're putting together this year for testing and development. So far, we are very happy with the way things have turned out."

As a longtime Kawasaki Robotics partner, Tim Foley and Automation International's considerable in-house expertise, along with teams at FPE Automation, PHD Inc., and of course, Kawasaki, all came together to create a solution that can be considered a benchmark for other companies. Automation International's Jeff Franklin’s creative contributions to this project were integral in the ongoing development of the system. The result is a testimony to the effectiveness of automation done well. 

The multi-robot solution was so well-received that FPE Automation's Steve Moore (pictured here, on the right) brought Joey Bardos (left), President of FPE Automation, in for a tour. 

I asked Steve Moore to tell me what was going on in the photo. He explained, "Automation International is using these robots and high capacity GRR grippers from PHD, Inc. for pick and place/visual inspection of automotive wheels." Steve added, "What you do not see, are the additional RSO50 robots that will be used for welding the various components of the wheels together. There are 13 robots in total for this project."

After the visit, I caught up with Joey Bardos on a Zoom meeting. He shared his reaction with me: "Automation International is a great partner. Very knowledgeable. I look forward to seeing this develop as the welding portion of the process comes on board. I'm really impressed with the teams at KawasakiPHD and Automation International, and what they have accomplished here. This is an excellent example of automation done right."

If you haven't had a conversation with the FPE Automation team about how to optimize your processes recently, we welcome you to reach out.