ARTICLE: As boomers prepare to retire, addressing a shrinking labor force

Already Tired of Hearing About Labor Shortages? It's Going to Get Worse

The good news? Automation has reached a point where technical feasibility allows it to fill in the gaps. The takeaway? Automation is ready now to step up when there are too few workers to do the job. 

By Sandia Harrison, Director of Marketing, FPE Automation

There is no doubt about it. The labor force is shrinking. 

"In four years, the number of students graduating from high schools across the country will begin a sudden and precipitous decline, due to a rolling demographic aftershock of the Great Recession. Traumatized by uncertainty and unemployment, people decided to stop having kids during that period. But even as we climbed out of the recession, the birth rate kept dropping."

Source: November 21, 2022

As a large wave of boomers prepares to retire, there is a shrinking population entering the workforce to replace them. Nowhere is this more apparent than in manufacturing and logistics. 

Fortunately, many of the tasks involved in jobs in those crucial labor markets represent excellent opportunities for automation. Repetitive, predictable activities have been automatable for several years. Activities that include:

  • Operating machinery
  • Welding
  • CNC machine tending
  • Packaging
  • Part marking
  • Palletizing
  • Inspection
  • Quality control
  • Internal logistics/part presentation/delivery

You have probably seen the thousands of case studies out there in the media. It's true that automation is keeping companies competitive. It's also making it possible for companies that have done business overseas to re-open stateside, creating jobs in the USA. 

Automation is Powerful

Managers who used to spend a portion of their day "putting out fires", no longer spend so much time addressing pain points. Automated equipment doesn't call in sick. Those same managers now report higher levels of output, better quality, and fewer errors. Labor is expensive. What might surprise you, however; the expense of all of that put together typically exceeds labor costs. 

Automation Makes Sense

For any business, cost savings, return on investment (ROI) and sustainable growth are the end results. While automation provides all of that, one factor that is often overlooked is employee satisfaction. 

"Workers who have incorporated high levels of automation into their daily tasks are happier in their jobs, more optimistic about their future career prospects and more likely to recommend their role to someone about to enter the job market, according to new research from Tradeshift."

Source: Business Wire. May 26, 2022

To thrive, a business needs to attract and retain capable and satisfied employees. As the number of those potential workers declines, it makes more sense to bridge the gap. 

In 2023, FPE Automation will be celebrating 60 years of helping companies like yours. Whether you would get more out of your automated processes, or you're just getting started, our friendly and capable team of engineers can help.

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