Business Owners and Entrepreneurs: Let's Talk About Automation

Automation: A Topic That Can Make or Break Your Business

FPE Automation is answering your questions about how to move forward. Staying competitive in today's business landscape depends on it. 

FPE Automation is a local, family-owned business. We have lived and worked in the community we serve for nearly 60 years. 

We realize that a big part of making sure our community thrives is to ensure that local businesses, both small and large, are doing so. That's why education is so important to us. 

This week, Joey Bardos, President, FPE Automation, spoke at the Enclave Learning & Earning Center for Entrepreneurs in our hometown, Elk Grove Village, IL. 

The topic? Robotics, AI, smart manufacturing and more. We understand that automating is a shift in how you do business. We also know there are a lot of options to consider. We're trying to take the guesswork out of how to take your company to the next level. We want to help you:

  • Do more with less
  • Combat labor shortages
  • Retain the good workers you have
  • Keep them safer on the job
  • Improve the quality of your products

We don't think it's hyperbole when we say that the future of our community depends on it. These are pivotal times. Your business needs to stay competitive. 

Since automation is an investment, we want to make sure the following is accomplished:

  • Your implementation goes smoothly
  • It impacts your business in a measurable, positive way
  • Your team has the skills to effectively deploy and re-deploy the technology
  • You are taking advantage of available tax credits and possibly even government grants to help you invest in automation

That's why we have spent much of 2019-2021 partnering with groups like TMA, IMEC, ENCLAVE, local community colleges, high schools and our villages and towns to figure out ways that we can be of value to those that surround us. Our goal is to educate students, employees, businesses about the ways that we can make them more profitable and efficient.

Please reach out to us if you'd like to sit down and talk about what your options are. We're happy to help! 
