FPE is the winner of the 2020 Robotiq Expert Partner award.

Robotiq, a global manufacturer of plug and play components and end-of-arm tooling for collaborative robots, and a UR+ partner has named FPE Automation as an expert partner for 2020. 

Jomy Vadakumpadam, Automation Controls Division Manager, accepted the award on behalf of FPE Automation. “Robotiq has proven to be an equally excellent partner with FPE Automation this year" he said. "We were able to overcome several of the hurdles are all facing in today’s business climate thanks to their sales & engineering support.”


"This award is a true accomplishment on a few different levels." added Sandia Harrison, Director of Marketing. "FPE Automation's talented automation controls team has done truly cutting-edge work in the field of collaborative robotics this year. Coming from an end-of-arm-tooling industry leader like Robotiq, it is an honor to receive this. Even more so in a year where the business and economic climate is so uncertain. Companies everywhere are turning to cobots to compensate for labor shortages, and to keep employees and their working environment safe. This shows the positive impact that can have. At FPE Automation, we are confident that our partnership with Robotiq will only continue to grow. We're so grateful to accept this expert partner award."

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