IMEC and FPE Automation Talk Collaborative Robots at John Woods Community College

Are you in the Quincy, Illinois area? 

If so, you are invited to join FPE Automation's Kurt Vaeth, together with IMEC Illinois at John Wood Community College on Tuesday, September 24 from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm for a deep dive into taking your manufacturing to the next level. 

ABC’s of a Thriving Workforce: Adapt New Technologies, Build Strong Leaders and Concentrate on Employee Growth

Kurt will be presenting two of today's hottest topics in industry: 

Automation as a Workforce Multiplier
Collaborative Robotics to Replace the Dull, Dirty and Dangerous Tasks

Don't miss it! 

For more than a half a century, FPE Automation has lived and worked in the community it serves. We are committed to fostering local growth, and to the strength and skills of the American manufacturing worker. It's the reason we work with important organizations like IMEC and appear regularly in the Midwest's finest educational institutions. 



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