Collaborative robots, vision systems, advanced barcode technologies and more.
These, new powerful tools are transforming the way we do business. The good news is, most are not difficult to understand. FPE Automation can help! Get in on the latest, acquire relevant knowledge that you can put to work for you!
Mark It. Read It.
JULY 18:
Back by popular demand! It's Mark It. Read It. A energetic, fun experience! Spend the day immersed in live demos and informative sessions with the experts. Featuring Cognex handheld and fixed mount readers and Panasonic laser markers. Enjoy free giveaways and a delicious lunch. We'll be skipping the easy targets and jumping right in to the issues our clients tell us they are facing today. Poor focus, low contrast, washed out originals. Items that are difficult to mark. Finder degradation and background problems. They all result in process bottlenecks. We'll show you how you can eliminate those with the right tools. It doesn't end there. Take away long-term benefits. Attend our application Q&A session after the presentations. Bring in your own part. Our specialists will assess how to mark and read your specific item. Don't miss this opportunity to leverage some of the world's top expertise in the field and put it to work for you. A fun, casual, hands-on, action packed day. Bring your own part with you.
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FPE Automation has several dates on the calendar. All events are free of charge to our valued customers. We hope you can join us!
110 Gordon Street | Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 | 847-364-7455