
The way the world manufactures is currently undergoing a revolution. While it's true that robots will replace humans in some capacities, the trend of technology enabling corporations to employ less people has been around since the industrial revolution. We've all known it was coming since the Jetsons had a robot housekeeper!

What's new, is that advances in automation will allow the USA to keep manufacturing jobs here, on American soil. Automation allows companies to be more competitive, which benefits the worker by decreasing our dependence on offshore laborers.

FPE Automation is at the front lines of that revolution. We're your partner for automation controls, vision systems, collaborative robots and much more. We are also very active in our market (the state of Illinois, Quad Cities, Iowa region and greater St. Louis and surrounding counties) in providing our valued clients with the training and preparedness they need to embrace these new technologies.

The automation revolution has arrived. Are you in? 

Cognex's Andrew Wassef shows of an FPE automation revolution t-shirt in from of the autommation revolution banner.
Cognex's Andrew Wassef shows off an
automation revolution t-shirt at FPE
Automation's Elk Grove Village, Illinois
office, while standing in front of the
coordinating banner. Cognex manufacturers
sophisticated vision systems that are already
in use in manufacturing plants across the

country and around the world.