FPE Automation welcomes guest speaker Chris Ridgway of Swivellink.


It’s all about positioning.
Design simplicity.

Limitless options.

Quality construction.

There is nothing quite like Swivellink.

Carlo Gavazzi | Cognex | Contrinex | HTM | Leuze | Omron | Panasonic | Piab | Smart Vision Lights


FPE Automation welcomes guest speaker Chris Ridgway of Swivellink.

Join this online session Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 1:00 pm

The Swivellink mounting system makes mounting machine vision cameras and lighting simple. The adaptability of the product allows us to mount cameras and lights in areas where a custom bracket would
take hours to manufacture and still not have the same flexibility for positioning. Once the brackets are locked down, they are very rigid and will not drift due to vibration on a machine.” – Brian

“I have used Swivellink for several different applications. It really solves problems, especially if I need to mount something at an odd angle. It is very fast to implement, just select the parts and go, no design required, no taking time to machine something! Cost savings too.” – Steve

“The first time I saw Swivellink on a machine I thought “Wow! That’s just what I’ve been looking for!” Every time I show it to one my customers I get either “Where did you get that?!” or “That’s EXACTLY what I’ve been
looking for!” - Wayne


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