Learn about the hottest topic in today's robotics industry - Collaborative Robots

On my desk this morning...

At first glance, it was no big deal. I get lots of these. It's a flyer for the upcoming trade show, Automate 2015, taking place at Chicago's McCormick Place next week - March 23-26.

What's different about this one? I flipped it over, and on the back there are a few of the show's highlights listed. There, I read:

"Learn about the hottest topic in today's robotics industry - Collaborative Robots"

Underneath, there is a pic of FPE's newest partner's, Universal Robots', collaborative robot arm - check it out, highligted below...

A photo of the Automate 2015 flyer on my desk this morning.
The quote from the show organizers is not just hype. Indeed, collaborative robots are arguably one of the most important things going on in industry at the moment.

Fluid Power Engineering is proud to be representing Universal Robots.

Yesterday, FPE was welcomed as a new distributor in Universal Robots' newsletter.

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