Improved Design on Bag Lip for piGRIP® Suction Cup

Better gripping performance ensures higher productivity.

The latest from Piab:

Piab just introduced the next generation of piGRIP® bag lips, known as "BGI". These lips include an internal retainer piece as well as three additional diameter sizes. The bag lips are ideal for handling different types of bag materials, especially hard-to-handle thin bag material, such as plastic film. The six diameter sizes now at 25, 34, 41, 48, 63 & 80 mm provides a larger range of sizes for choosing the exact cup for the handling application.

The first generation of Piab's piGRIP® bag lips "BG" were developed to handle most types of bags and pouches much better than any other available suction cup on the market. The special lip design in combination with the rigid and strong piGRIP® bellows/body allows for bag handling speeds and accelerations never used before in automation equipment for bags/pouches. Beside regular plastic bags for dry food (e.g. chips), the new piGRIP® bag lips were designed to have an excellent grip on stand-up-pouches filled with liquid or dry/wet food/substances.

The range of diameter sizes now allows for very small and/or oblong narrow flexible packages (fast-food ketchup packs) to be handled by the smallest 25 mm size. The largest size, 80 mm, addresses the need for handling heavy bags or sacks such as animal feed sacks.

The new retainer piece prevents thin bags or films from being drawn into the cup, thus improving the grip performance as well as eliminating marks on the thin bag materials. The lip material and the retainer piece are made of FDA approved materials.

A new much stronger bonding solution between the lip and bellows will prevent lips from coming off during working cycles, even for extremely rough conditions (high speed and greasy environments). The new locking sleeve, in terms of a retainer, guarantees the lip will stay in position. Cost savings are possible from exchangeable lips, thanks to the new locking solution – you only need to replace the lip and not entire bag cup-fitting.


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